As a brand marketer or owner, does this sound like you? “I have a great product line, and my sales confirm that our customers want what we offer. But I want to sell more of my products to a broader demographic with the most possible profit.” We have heard similar concerns from many marketers just […]
Companies deeply entrenched in selling consumer products and services in retail are often times ill-equipped and rudely awakened when considering direct response. The direct-to-consumer approach demands a completely different skill set and infrastructure to succeed. Yet, the rewards direct response marketing offers and the short time it takes to achieve critical mass awareness using direct […]
Most firms have set up a war room to triage their immediate response to the crisis. But the lack of visibility around future demand complicates efforts to restart stalled portfolio companies…
With demographic statistics showing that around US residents are of Latino descent and have over $850 billion in annual purchasing power, your business cannot ignore this group.